Will ‘Yoga or
Yogurt’ replace ‘Tea or Coffee’ on the menu for Qantas long
haul flights?

Qantas takes a special interest in looking after passengers
on long flights because most of its international flights
are long haul, that is, are five hours or longer.
It is therefore logical that Qantas would instigate a
research project to investigate the health and wellbeing of
its passengers on long haul flights, ahead of the launch of
its 17 hour direct flight from Perth to London, in March
This is from the Qantas Media Release of 22 June 2017:
In a world first collaboration … the University of
Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre will work with Qantas to
help develop the airline’s new approach to long haul
travel ahead of the first Boeing 787 Dreamliner flights
this year. “By taking a holistic view of our
customers, our partnership will examine everything from
reducing the impact of jetlag through to health,
nutrition and sleep through the entire journey
experience,” Mr Joyce said.
The research project raises two interesting issues from a
legal perspective:
- Will the research find ways for Qantas to improve
flying conditions and health warnings to satisfy the
legal duty of care it owes to its passengers for their
health and wellbeing on long haul flights?
- What findings will the research provide to support
the to-be-advertised health and wellness benefits for
passengers when they fly the Boeing 787 Dreamliner?
What follows is a ‘holistic’ analysis – legal, public
relations and marketing.
What ‘health and wellness
inflight’ research is to be done for Qantas?
Clinical trials “will develop an integrated, holistic
and evidence-based approach” to:
- Jetlag - strategies to counteract jetlag:
circadian entrainment, sleep and light exposure
- Physical activity – on-board exercises
and movement, pre and post flight preparation
- Nutrition – food and beverage services,
menu design and service timing
- Transit lounge design – to promote
airport lounge wellness
- Cabin environment – lighting and
temperature to assist sleep patterns
The duty of
care an airline owes for the health and wellbeing of
its passengers An airline owes a duty
of care to its passengers for their health and
wellbeing. This duty is limited to bodily injury
under Article 17 of the 1999 Montreal Convention:
The carrier is liable for damage
sustained in case of death or bodily injury
of a passenger upon condition only that the
accident which caused the death or
injury took place on board the aircraft or
in the course of any of the operations of
embarking or disembarking.
By virtue of section 9E of the Civil Aviation
(Carriers’ Liability) Act 1959 (Cth), Article 17
of the Convention (and no other law) must be used
for compensation claims for illness and injury
sustained on board an aircraft flying to, from or
in, Australia. The leading Australian decision on
Article 17 is Povey v Qantas Airways Limited
[2005] HCA 33, a decision of the High Court of
Australia. That case dealt with a medical
condition, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). Brian Povey
alleged that he had developed DVT during two long
haul flights: Sydney to London via Bangkok, and the
return flight via Kuala Lumpur. Passengers who are
prone to DVT can have a blood clot form in the veins
of their legs due to impaired blood circulation
during a long haul flight, which can result in a
stroke. Mr Povey argued that Qantas had breached
its a duty of care to him in two ways:
- By not providing flight conditions to
minimise the risk of DVT; because they provided
cramped seating on the flight, discouraged
passengers from moving about the aircraft, and
supplied alcoholic or caffeine beverages; and/or
- By not providing warnings to passengers of
precautions to take to reduce the risk of DVT,
such as inflight exercises.
The High Court of Australia dismissed Povey’s
claim. It found that DVT was not compensable
under Article 17 because there was no “accident”
to cause the condition. That is, there was no
sudden and unexpected “external event” which
caused a bodily injury – DVT occurred
imperceptibly over the course of the flight.
Justice McHugh gave two examples of an
“accident” on board an aircraft which would be
compensable under Article 17: if a food trolley
runs over the foot of a sleeping passenger; and
when a flight attendant directs a passenger to
sit in a seat which collapses.
warnings and wellness advice – the current
position Not long after Povey,
Qantas took the cautious view and introduced
health warnings about the risk of developing DVT
on its flights, and suggested exercises, on its
website, magazine and safety video.
The current Safety Video contains this
warning: For more information on DVT, check
the Health and Safety Section in your Qantas
By giving health warnings and providing
wellness advice on ‘Your Health Inflight’,
Qantas is looking to insulate itself against
health-related claims. If a passenger does not
heed the warnings and follow the advice, Qantas
can claim that they contributed to their
condition. This is in line with Article 21 of
the Convention which gives an airline the
ability to exonerate itself if the airline
demonstrates that the passenger has contributed
to their medical/health condition. Currently,
it is rare for a health or wellbeing complaint
to be compensable as a bodily injury under
Article 17. But it is possible, for example by
serving foods which provoke allergic reactions
without giving a warning, such as “may contain
nut traces/wheat/milk/eggs”.
Therefore, in the research project, Qantas is
not looking so much to address any current legal
liabilities, but to anticipate potential
liabilities if ill health and lack of wellbeing
become compensable conditions in the future, by:
- Bringing to light any emerging health
risks about which Qantas should warn and
give advice to passengers;
- Recommending changes to its standard
flight conditions to improve health and
so as pre-empt future claims for
health-related conditions which are based on
a failure to give warnings, advice or
provide healthy flying conditions.
Advertising/marketing the health benefits of
the Boeing 787 Dreamliner In
the promotional video in its Media Release,
Qantas gives a glimpse into the health and
wellbeing benefits it would like to
advertise for long haul flights, especially
ways to reduce jetlag; optimise inflight
nourishment; and maximise sleep:
- The research will document sleep
patterns, moods and physical state, food
and beverage consumption, and the
influence of cabin lighting and
- the results are expected to reveal
the best foods to eat inflight and when,
on-board exercises, and airport lounge
wellness so that –
passengers will feel refreshed and
rejuvenated at the end of the flight
The Australian Consumer Law
prohibits misleading
advertising/marketing. A business cannot
make a false or misleading
representation that services are “of a
particular standard, quality,” (section
29(1)(b)) or that services have
“performance characteristics,
accessories, uses or benefits” (section
29(1)(g)) which they do not have.
In Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission v Allergy Pathway Pty Ltd
[2009] FCA 960 the Federal Court of
Australia (Finkelstein J) noted that
various health claims made by Allergy
Pathway about the way it “diagnoses and
treats allergies including testing for
and identifying a person’s specific
allergies” were misleading or deceptive
because Allergy Pathway did not have
“published scientific evidence to
support” them. The Court ordered
corrective advertising. Qantas has a
head start in claiming health benefits
when flying in its 787 Dreamliner
aircraft, because Boeing has improved
the cabin specifications – improved air
quality (circulating every 3 minutes),
higher humidity, higher air pressure,
better lighting, larger dimmable
windows, lower cabin noise, and
technology to reduce turbulence.
Qantas will be relying upon
scientific evidence from the research
project, and on how this translates into
health benefits, so that it has
reasonable grounds for making health and
wellbeing claims for flights on its 787
Dreamliner flights, in its advertising
and marketing.
Public Relations Comments
This is clever move by Qantas.
By getting on the front foot and
commissioning this research into the
health and wellbeing of passengers on
long haul flights, Qantas is positioning
itself to add “inflight health” to
“safety” in its branding and marketing
as a leading international carrier, with
the wellbeing of passengers at the
centre of this new initiative.
Importantly, it also “buying legal
protection” when it comes to giving
health warnings and in advertising the
benefits of its long distance flights.
These comments were prepared with
the assistance of Richard Lenarduzzi
of The Premier Communications Group,
strategic PR advisors
Insights For airline
customers, the allure of a direct
Sydney-London flight is blunted by the
thought of long haul travel, airline
food, poor air quality and the
inevitable jet lag and associated
physical discomfort including
dehydration, stiff joints, cramps and
disrupted sleep patterns.
So how does an airline overcome a
preconception that for many seasoned
travellers is a lived and dreaded
Qantas needs to prove they are
offering more than just a modern
transport solution with a shorter flight
time, but that the new Boeing 787
Dreamliner can provide a more complete
travel experience, including a
comprehensive health and wellbeing
solution to the known downsides of long
haul travel. Consumer marketing is a
form of storytelling that deliberately
highlights benefits and distorts or
conceals negative side effects. For
example, cola producers focus on fun,
freedom and lifestyle, not sugar intake
and obesity.
Marketers engage market research
firms to help them understand their
customer’s practical, emotional and
psychological needs, to inform their
product development, marketing and
advertising strategy. The marketing
messages need to bypass the logical part
of our brain that knows long haul travel
is gruelling, and convince us that it is
in fact a liberating experience for the
savvy traveller. I expect the Qantas
research will test and measure every
input to identify the optimum flying
experience and then repurpose the
insights as an ‘optimum health
itinerary’, supported by advertising
showcasing enthusiastic travellers
loving their life and arriving at their
destination as fresh as a daisy.
Consumers can benefit greatly from
this type of research if they follow the
instructions, especially the pre-flight
preparation and post-flight recovery
insights. The reality is that some
people will ignore good advice, but at
least the airline has made a genuine
effort to understand the issues and make
evidence-based recommendations on
mitigating the negative side effects of
long haul travel. Airlines are largely
restricted in what they can say and rely
on artfully vague aspirational
statements such as ‘A great way to
fly’ or ‘Smooth as silk’.
Qantas has introduced the tagline
‘Our spirit flies further’.
With renewed evidence drawn from the
market research, I expect Qantas to
develop a stronger tagline such as
‘Fly fresh’ or ‘Land fresh’.
If you can convince Australians that
they can ‘land fresh in London’,
both the leisure and business travellers
will be queuing up to fly.
Marketing commentary by Michael Field,
EvettField Partners – www.evettfield.com