How Google and Facebook
dominate online advertising and searches
Google’s and Facebook’s dominance of online advertising
and searches is laid out in the ACCC Digital Platforms
Inquiry – Final Report issued on 26 July 2019.
These are key findings and commentary from the Report,
with my analysis and illustrations from the Report from
travel and leisure businesses which use social media
extensively to attract searches for and advertise travel,
flights, tours and accommodation.
Digital platforms provide a
new advertising avenue
Key finding
Google and Facebook operate multi-sided platforms. On one
side, they offer services to consumers for a zero monetary
price in order to obtain consumers’ attention and data,
which they monetise. On the other side, they sell
advertising opportunities to advertisers. Advertising is the
source of most of the revenue earned by the two major
digital platforms in Australia. (Report section 2
page 58)
Online advertising has helped businesses build a brand
and following through social media. In particular, small
businesses have benefited in advertising and reaching
Customers already using Google Search for generalised
search queries would be inclined to also use Google Search
for specialised search queries, such as information on
travel services, including flights, tours and accommodation,
because users display customer inertia. The same cannot be
said of users of specialised travel services, so this source
of traffic is not available to suppliers of specialised
travel search services. (Report section 2.3.1)
For these reasons, even when specialised search services
have considerable reach, such as travel and hotel booking
search services, Google’s general search service enjoys a
competitive advantage over them. (Report section 8.4)
This explains both the necessity and the effectiveness of
paid advertising on social media, particularly for
specialised travel service providers.
Google and Facebook have
substantial market power
Key findings
- Google has substantial market power in
supplying general search services in Australia.
Google is likely to retain its dominant share of the
market at least in the short- to medium-term.
- Facebook has substantial market power in
supplying social media services in Australia,
which are provided by its platforms, Facebook and
Instagram. Facebook is expected to retain substantial
market power in at least the short- to medium-term.
- Google has substantial market power in the
supply of search advertising in Australia.
- Facebook has substantial market power in the
supply of display advertising in Australia.
(Report section 2 page 58)
Substantial market power has led to dominance in online
advertising expenditure.

(Report page 18)
Travel agents and tour operators, hotels and resorts are
hedging their bets by continuing to advertise in travel
supplements in the print media and in brochures.
Online, there are many powerful accommodation websites
such as,,,, and which attract travel searches
and act as platforms for bookings.
Potential for
anti-competitive conduct by expansion into related markets
Key finding
Digital platforms with substantial market power have the
ability and incentive to engage in leveraging behaviour
which may affect competition in advertising and other
markets. The risk of leveraging behaviour is increasing as
Google and Facebook expand into other markets. (Report
section 2 page 58)
Google and Facebook have a strong history of expanding
into related markets. For example, Instagram’s recent entry
into online shopping (whereby Instagram directly facilitates
the purchase of certain brands), Facebook’s entry into jobs
and dating services, and Google’s entry into flights and
hotels. (Report section 3.3.1)
Google operates Google Flights, which provides users with
the ability to search for flights, track flight prices and
explore potential destinations, and shopping comparison
service Google Shopping. (Report section 8.4)
The ACCC is signalling that it will be vigilant about
anti-competitive conduct by Google and Facebook such as
misuse of market power and in mergers and acquisitions.
Data collected is highly
Key finding
In addition to the amount of time spent on the platforms,
the breadth and depth of the user data collected by each of
Google and Facebook provides them with strong competitive
advantages. The multiple touch points that Google and
Facebook each have with their users enable them to collect
user data, improve their services, attract more users and
advertisers, thereby creating a feedback loop. No other
businesses come close to the level of tracking undertaken by
each of Google and Facebook. (Report section 2 page
Why is Google’s data valuable? Search data, in general,
is highly valuable as it provides very clear information
about a customer’s desires. For example, a search for
‘Flights from Sydney to Japan’ reveals that the consumer is
likely to be interested in flying from Sydney to Japan.
A user may visit a number of travel websites that advise
on activities to do in Japan, and this data can be tracked
by platforms such as Google. (Report section 2.5.2)
Personal information data collected from consumers is
used by platforms to target advertising to consumers. Data
privacy is a big issue.
Challenges and
recommendations for reform for small businesses
The ACCC identifies challenges for small businesses who
deal with Google and Facebook:
- Disputing decisions or seeking remedies
- Negative financial consequences if they are blocked
from using the services
- Unfair contract terms of use and privacy
The recommendations made by the ACCC in the Report
relevant to small businesses are:
- Establishing an independent ombudsman scheme to
resolve complaints and disputes between businesses and
digital platforms, including those relating to the
purchase or performance of advertising services, and the
removal of scam content
- Amending the Competition and Consumer Act 2010
so that unfair contract terms are prohibited and for
civil pecuniary penalties to apply
- Strengthening privacy protections to effectively
protect consumers’ personal information in light of the
increasing volume and scope of data collection in the
digital economy.
(Source ACCC letter to small businesses)
98% (by number) of businesses in the travel industry are
small businesses. The ACCC recommendations will benefit
Paying the ferryman
Marketing Commentary by Michael Field, EvettField
The Digital Platforms Inquiry – Final Report confirms
what every small business owner and advertiser has known for
years; that Google has substantial market power in
supplying general search services and search
advertising in Australia, and that Facebook has
substantial market power in supplying social media
services and of display advertising in Australia;
and that it is unlikely to change in the short- to
So what can a small business owner or advertiser do to
make their brand and market presence stand out in a highly
concentrated and heavily dominated digital marketing
landscape? Allow me to make some recommendations:
- Invest in a high quality, responsive and
information-rich website
- Work with a qualified digital marketing agency to
ensure you are keeping up to date with the ever-changing
requirements of website design and navigation, SEO,
keywords, user experience, page load times etc.
- Build your brand online by publishing regular,
fresh, relevant and low/no-cost content that is both
helpful and interesting for your customers such as
educational videos, informational blogs, buying guides
and cost calculators
- Develop effective data capture and CRM (customer
relationship management tools) such as Hubspot,
Salesforce email newsletters and membership or
subscription-based services to help you stay directly in
touch with your customers unmediated by the dominant
- Build your brand offline through improved store
presence, signage, fit-out, branded vehicles, uniforms,
sponsorship etc.
- Blend old marketing strategies with new technology
such as direct mailing prospective clients, video
brochures etc
- Stay deeply connected to your customers and their
needs through ongoing market research, customer analysis
and satisfaction measurement such as NPS (Net Promoter
- Partner with a complementary business which services
a similar market such as a veterinary practice
partnering with local dog wash providers and conduct
cooperative advertising campaigns and reciprocal links
on websites etc.
- Develop strategic alliances and referral partners
that are not dependent on digital platforms
- Build a strong social media presence and following
on alternative platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter
depending on where your prospective customers congregate